MEF18 Speakers

Raluca Sirbu

Raluca Sirbu

Director, Network Infrastructure & Services, AT&T

Raluca Sirbu is a Director in AT&T within the D2 Architecture and Design organization with responsibility for introducing new technology and services that support the advanced communications needs of global enterprise clients. Part of this roles is ensuring that all operational processes from “quote to cash” are considered and supported when these services are rolled out to customers. Her current focus is on the L2 network supporting the business efforts to evolve the network and expand automation. She has architecture responsibilities for projects evolving the network to become software defined, re-designing the network infrastructure to move it to the cloud and supported by ECOMP.

Raluca is constantly looking for ways to innovate in the service creation domain. To that end she has participated in multiple hackathons as both organizer and participant and in both areas successfully showcasing new methods and approaches to delivering service. Her passion for innovation has been extended to improving the educational process for K-12 students. With her colleagues in AT&T, she published groundbreaking peer reviewed papers on introducing disruptive technology into the educational process.
